Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Week Two - Day 2

What is a Zone Block? You will start to see me list Zone blocks in my posts and I wanted to again give some information about "The Zone". Here are some of the basics: The Zone is based around a balanced 30% Protein-30% Fat-40% Carbohydrates

"Food is Fuel"
Each Zone block contains 1 block of each macro nutrient

  • 1 mini block of protein = 7 grams
  • 1 mini block of carbohydrate = 9 grams
  • 1 mini block of fat = 1,5 grams

Now for some guidelines to "The Zone" :(taken from http://www.enterthezonediet.com/)

-Eat the correct ratio of 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein and 30% fat at every meal;
-Eat five times a day, whether you feel hungry or not: have three Zone meals and two Zone snacks;
-Don't let more than five hours pass without eating;
-Eat preferably when you are not so hungry, and your brain activity and concentration level are good. When you are hungry, your insulin level is too low.
-Eat only low fat protein, keep fruits and vegetables as your favorite source of carbohydrates, and add a dash of mono saturated fat (e.g. olive oil) to every meal;
-A Zone diet meal should not lead to a calorie intake higher than 500kcal. A Zone Diet snack should provide 100kcal.
-Use pasta, bread and other grain-foods only as a “condiment” for your meals.

There are 5-6 different books on "The Zone" all by Dr. Sears. I would say that the best is "Mastering the Zone". It gives a great overview of all the books and of the four I've read it has the most information!

Sleep: 6.5 hrs

Zone: Total Zone Blocks= 20

Breakfast 4P,5C,4F
Lunch 4P,4C,5F
Snack 4P,4C,4F
Dinner 4P,4C,4F
4 cups of Milk before bed=4P,4C,4F

WOD: "Kelly"

5 Rounds for time
400m sprint
30 Box Jumps (24in)
30 Wall Ball (20lbs)

Time 23:10 (NEW PR!!)

CFE: Rest Day

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