Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Week One - Day 3

I know that all of you who read my blog tend to get tired of the same old workout posts/ times /pictures. During "The Hard Routine" posts will be used as accountability for my records. Most days you will only see a Sleep/WOD/CFE post. Occasionally I will put up videos and pictures. As far as terminology goes here are some simple definitions for commonly used words and acronyms you will see...
WOD = Workout of the Day
CFE = CrossFit Endurance (
DB = Dumbbell
Tabata = 20 sec of work + 10 sec of rest for 8 rounds
Sleep = Sleep (or lack there of)
"The Hard Routine" = 6 weeks of Danny kicking his own ass!..and writing about it in his blog!
Double Under = Jumping Rope with the rope passing twice under your feet in one jump
Zone Diet =
Developed by Dr. Berry Spears Ph.D as an eating plan for Olympic Athletes
POSE Running =
Developed by Dr. Nicholas Romanov (He's Russian, Comrade) as an efficient, injury free style of running

Here is a great example of POSE Running

So there you go... there will be a Vocabulary test next Friday and have a nice day!

Sleep: 4 hrs + 2.75hrs (punks ringing door bell at 3:30am and waking me up. I couldn't get back to sleep because I was HYPED!!!
7 Rounds for time:
5 pull ups
7 box jumps
9 ring dips
200 meter run

CFE - Bike Tabata 20-10 (no distance, used spinner bike)


kathryn said...

Thanks for the glossary! I still don't really get what POSE running is, though... you'll have to explain it in person.

joe.peebles said...

Ha - Kathryn beat me to it. I need a little more info on POSE. I think I know what it stands for, though, since that guy in the video totally made the other guy look weak. POSE = Preference Of Superior Excellence. Comrade.