Sunday, May 24, 2009

Go Heavy!

This past week has been great! I've gotten to talk to a lot of friends and we even did a video chat with Team Cavin. Taylor is going well in China and we usually g-chat with him. My dad comes into town today to help with the gym site. We are going to be digging the "footers" for the building and framing for the concrete. Jordan is so beautiful and we are still learning so much about each other. I love it!!! I love her and am so glad she is my wife!!!

Catalyst makes me feel like I want to rip down a house, but I'm not HULK .... yet?
Friday we did:
Power Snatch - 75% x 2 x 3 = 123
Snatch balance - 80% x 2 x 2 = 132
then a MetCon,
3 rounds for time
10 Pull ups
10 Front Squats (135)
10 Burpees
D-mo - 3:55

On Saturday our neighbor, Rick, came over to help push 9 yards of fill dirt around with his "Farmill LoBoy Tractor" (1955) it was great! We are really building this thing!

Go Heavy!
Back Squat
Danny = 155/216/298
Jordan = 57/102/112
Marshall = 165/205/242

Our bodies didn't really want to do these lifts, but Jordan got a PR in the Clean&Jerk and is getting better at the snatch. Marshall has a beautiful snatch and I.... well ?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day 3 - Performance Menu Strength Cycle 1

Moving to a more strength focus has been really good for Jordan and I. We can take our time and talk and lift and figure out the whole "CrossFit Business". I am really getting excited for Jordan as she moves toward being the full time trainer at CrossFit ATM. I bought 26 yards of concrete yesterday (3 truck loads) and we pour on June 5th!!!

Catalyst Workout:
Front Squat - (70% x 3 [210], 75% x 2[225], 80% x 1[240]) x 4
Snatch Pull - 100% (of snatch) x 3 x 3 [165]
Heavy Single Split Jerk - [218]

3 rounds for time of:
15 KB deadlift high pull - 30% [52]
20 KB one arm snatch - 25% [44]
Danny - 3:43
Jordan - 3:49

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 2 with Performance Menu

•Mid-hang muscle snatch - 60% x 3 x 3 = 88lbs
•2-position clean (floor, mid-thigh) + 2 jerk - 60% x 4 sets = 108lbs

10-16-20 reps for time:
KB swings - 30% BW = 52lbs
DB clean + 2 push press - 30% BW = I used two 30lb DBs.... 10 more lbs than my BW
Time: 13:17 ( jordan beat me )

Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday with Performance Menu

Today was a good day back! The weather was so nice and there was a great breeze.
I started with Catalyst/ Performance Menu today -

Back Squat - 83% x3x5 = 242
Snatch Deadlift - 110% (of snatch)x3x3 = 180
Push Press - 80% x5x5 = 135
Strict Pull Ups (6,8,10) x2
Weighted Sit Ups 2x10 (35lbs)

MetCon- 5 rounds for time
10 Deadlifts (225)
400m Run

I will coach Jordan tonight and can't wait!

Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm back on the horn or ( 5+5 =11?)

I started back to training today. It sucked... because I've been really liking "not" training for the past two weeks! Jordan and I are starting with Performance Menu on Monday. She really wants to get stronger and faster! I'll be her coach and I hope this goes well!

Back Squat: (High Bar... because it's better for you!)

Everything felt good and I hope to be explaining more about why to use the high bar vs. low bar back squat in the next post! Until then... Drew... put the bar higher!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Results - 17th overall male

Well... here are the workouts we did!

Saturday WOD1:
Row 500m
10 Squat Clean & Jerk (155lbs men)
Row 500m
10 Squat Clean & Jerk
Row 500m
10 Squat Clean & Jerk

WOD 2:
50 Chest to Bar Pull ups
50 Burpees

Sunday WOD 3:
Nine of Spades / Hopper Deck
3 Rounds, 21, 15, and 9 reps of
Box Jumps (24 inches)
KB Swings (1.5 pood men/ 53lbs)
Sumodeadlift Highpull (95lbs men)

We all had a blast and kicked butt! (meggie, wes, dutch, danny, kerr, elisha, jordan)
Wes and I were in AMC together and he owns CrossFit Austin, it was so good to get to see him and workout together! Kerr trains in Austin with Wes and Elisha owns a box in Maimi, CrossFit Threshold. Jordan is the most wonderful wife on the planet! CrossFit has such a great community of people and I'm so glad to be apart of it!

Thanks to everyone!

Friday, May 1, 2009

And we're off!

I will keep everyone watching and reading posted with any news from the weekend. If you are praying or thinking about me... Thank You!

May strength be kind and courage gentle,