Friday, January 23, 2009

My morning... Workout?

Jordan has been gone all week and that leaves me without my better half. I eat by myself, sleep in a cold bed and workout alone or with Jonny. Today I decided to do the WOD in the morning which was a bold step because I haven't done that since July 08. So... I woke up at 5:30am and had a glass of water and a snack then went to the gym to train. The air was cool and it smelled like "grass dew". Marshall timed me and I did 4 rounds of Mr. Joshua which sucked!

Mr. Joshua
400m run
GHD Sit-Ups, 30 reps
250lb DeadLift, 15 reps
Dmo- 20:14 (4 rounds)

Rx'd is 5 rounds, but Marshall told me to stop so that I wasn't late to work. Next time... all 5!!!!

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