Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday is always a good day!

Today... Jordan and I looked at a house just inside Bryan and can't wait to show our parents this weekend! I was walking around the house having visions of our kids running around! Jordan was a solo trainer at the gym tonight and Jonny and I did some Catalyst work and then the WOD.

  • Snatch - 85% x 2 x 4
  • Clean & jerk - 85% x 2 x 4
Jonny and I got up to 155lbs on the Snatch and 180lbs on the Clean and Jerk.

AMRAP in 15 Minutes of…
15 KBS
15 Wall Ball
200m Run
Jonny: 6 rounds + 4 KB swings (53lbs KB/20lb Ball)
Danny: 6 rounds (53lbs KB/20lb Ball)
Jordan: 5 rounds (35lbs KB/ 12lb Ball)
Courtney: 5 rounds (35lbs KB/ 12lb Ball)

It was great working out with Team Kalaher and having Jonny push me so much has been good... I hate losing to that guy!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

what's the address? (email me if you want to)
have a good weekend!