Right now if you came up and tried to get in a fight with me by pushing first and waiting for the second push back... I would probably let you push me down and then start crying...
Since last week when Jonny and I officially started training for the CrossFit Regional Games I have been doing pretty good. Jonny says my form has been solid and my "rest time" great! As of yesterday my body has been telling me something different....
... "Danny.... why are you working out... I want to go back to Thailand and drink cool drinks on the beach... and I want to eat bread and drink lots of beer!!!"
My body doesn't understand that I want to live to be 100 and be able to race my kids in the 100m when their in college! It doesn't know that I want to be free of cancer and have healthy bones until I die! My body is telling me to stop making it better, but I wont!!!!!
Yesterday's training WOD was a 155lb power clean (45 reps) which was the heavest I have ever lifted in the power clean, and I was really scared of having no form in the later reps and hurting my self. BUT... CrossFit works! let me say that again... CrossFit works! Good form works.... technique works... and friends as coaches works!!! Jonny and I did:
For time:
155 pound Power clean 15 reps
30 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 12 reps
24 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 9 reps
18 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 6 reps
12 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 3 reps
6 Ring dips
Jonny: 6:45
Danny: 8:36
I felt so good on the power cleans.. my back was strong and tight, my grip was wide, my spine had good curve and I was driving through my heels! I DID IT!!! I made it through the workout and got every rep! This May 2&3 I plan to show the CrossFit Community what CrossFit ATM does!! ( I mean Dutch does that all the time, but you know what I mean!~)
Jordan got home from work yesterday and did Diane:
Deadlift ( she used 95lbs)
Hand Stand PushUps ( did pike pushups from a chair)
Time: 5:14 She killed it!!!!