Thursday, May 29, 2008

Living is easy with eyes closed...

I had a dream last night in which my best friend Taylor Tehan and I met up with the Kurtens (Jason and Jena) to make a trade with another family that went to the church. In the dream the Kurtens were the middle man and the church family wanted to trade their two kids (infant and 4 year old) for our Timbuk2 messenger bags. The trade was made during a choir concert at the church and Taylor got the infant and I got the 4 year old kid. At this point Taylor left the dream and I was stuck with the kid. I brought it home and he was getting all dirty and bringing mud into the house. Drew Cavin and I taught him how to take off his shoes so that no mud got on the carpet. Mentally I was fighting the thought of why I have this kid and how my life is changing every second. I can't do things like workout or drink coffee and on top of all that what does the kid think about me? Does he miss his parents? .... I don't have time for this... I don't want a kid right now...
When I woke up it was 6:20am and Drew was coming into my room to go to CrossFit. I rolled over and smiled because it was a dream and I was about to go workout. No kid was crying saying, "what about me?" and my life seemed simple. My Timbuk2 bag was right where I left it and there was no mud on the carpet.
John Lennon wrote... "Living is easy with eyes closed. Misunderstanding all you see." in the song Strawberry Fields Forever. Charlie on LOST has this tattooed on his left shoulder. Dreams are weird and scary. 4 8 15 16 23 42

Am I ready to have a kid? I'm ready to marry Jordan and have a family with her!! I'm not ready to give up my Timbuk2 bag.

WOD- 3 rounds for time

25 Russian Twists (33lbs)
10 Turkish Get Ups (30lbs)
25 Half Moons (20lbs)

Time 10:21

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