Friday, December 5, 2008

Thursday - Sushi Night

Last night was sushi night with Jordan and it was pretty interesting... Usually we take a sushi night once or twice a month and when we order we tell our "Itamae" or sushi chef that we want a Dragon Roll and two other rolls of there choice... be creative and not something on the menu. This works every time!!! we get really cool and tasty rolls that no one else gets... but last night our Itamae - Steve (his american name) gave us rolls with squid in them? not just one roll, but two huge rolls that equlled 1/2 of a squid :(

-------- you see Jordan and I have been doing sushi night twice a month since the middle of the summer and we kind of have a reputation at the sushi bar for allowing creativty to flurish in our chefs, so Steve really likes us to come and say, " do what ever you want... be creative!" and usually we are happy! Also, he tells us a story about the roll and what is in it ------------this time he handed us this squid roll and told us about how his grandmother used to make this for him as a child and he wanted us to try it.... Ok, this really means .... if you don't like it or don't eat it then you dishonor me and must stab yourself with a Samurai Sword!!!

Needless to say... we ate the squid and smiled, but will never do it again. I was looking around for Joe Rogan to tell me that I won $1000 on Fear Factor!

Jordan and I are both doing really well being dialed in on our diet and rest. I'm glad the weekend is coming so that I can sleep the rest days away!

Snatch work with 65lbs... looking for a fast hip extension and patient pull off the ground.

Med Ball Cleans
Kettle Bell Swings

Jordan (12/35lbs) =10:04
Danny (16/52lbs) = 7:18

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