Wednesday, December 3, 2008

New Squat Clean PR!

Today was a good day...
... Yesterday I rested and ate well. I've been drinking 4 cups of whole milk before bed each night and have been feeling really strong. I sleep better on a full stomach and sometimes drink goats milk! The last time I tried goats milk was with Dr. Drew and Jenny and Sam Cavin and didn't like it at all. Drew loved it!! But now it seems that I've gotten a taste for the stuff and can't do without it! Thanks Cavins!

Today, I did some light snatch technique work up to 95lbs and then heavy cleans. I tried for a max because my form looked great and I was feeling good.... 226lbs!!!! NEW CLEAN MAX!!!! ( I'll put up video soon)

Other than that things are going well and not drinking alcohol has really made a difference in my performance.
Lifting heavy weight= good // drinking beer every night=bad

Zone: 3,4,4,4 = 15blocks
Sleep: 6-7 hrs
Burgener warm up
Snatch work, foot placement, Hip extensions, stretching
Cleans... 3 reps up to 200lbs, then 1 rep until max!

1 comment:

Dr. Drew said...

Let's see the video!