Sunday, December 28, 2008
Our New Blog
We updated it from our recent trip to Thailand. Come see us!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Post 104...
I'm feeling great and everything is working well for me right now. I talked with a friend about training for the 2009 CrossFit Games in 2009.
CrossFit put out this release ,
"The official dates for the 2009 CrossFit Games will be July 11-12, 2009.
The exact format of the Games will not be announced until July. It is likely to be quite different from the 2008 format.
The 2009 Games will not be open enrollment. There will be no scaling. You must qualify to enter. Adequate performance in the 2008 Games will count. There will be a series of qualifying events around the country (world) in May, 2009."
Jonny Kalaher and I will start officially training in mid January and will keep everyone updated on our progress. We are shooting for the qualifying event and if that takes us to the big show then so be it! That would be great, but first things first!
On Saturday I did a great WOD with Jordan...
3 rounds for time:
50 box jumps
21 Deadlifts (185)
30 Pull Ups
Danny: Rx'd = 12:27
Jordan: w/53 = 18:38
Sunday I took a rest day with Jordan and started getting ready for our trip to Thailand! We will be gone for 13 days and can't wait to start exploring!
Today I did a WOD from the 2008 Games.
275lb Deadlift, 5 reps
10 Burpees
I used the games standard of not being able to let go of the bar on the DL and full hip extension on the burpees.
Time: 4:17
I hope to be able to trim 1min to 1.5 off of that time before I can even start to be up with the best.
I love you all and will update when I can!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
That one sucked!....
3 rounds for Time
25 Pull Ups
25 Ring Push Ups
25 Sit Ups
400m Run
Danny: 13:46
That sucked!!!!
Cheack out for more updates.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Start of the Week.
- I got a new Squat Clean PR!
- Drew and Jenny are going to have another baby!
- Jordan and I are leaving for our honeymoon in 1 week!
- Our diet has gotten more and more dialed into a Paleo Diet
- We have been sleeping great!
- and We are feeling really good about being here in College Station!
Monday WOD:
"Perfect Form Clean and Jerks"
AMRAP for 7 min @ 135lbs
1 Squat Clean
3 Push Jerks
"Only count the perfect sets. If you miss one jerk then the set doesn't count!"
Danny: 7 perfect sets
Tuesday WOD:
100 Squats
2 Muscle Ups
80 Squats
4 Muscle Ups
60 Squats
6 Muscle Ups
40 Squats
8 Muscle Ups
20 Squats
10 Muscle Ups
Danny: 12:15 ( I did all of the Muscle Ups unbroken until 8, then did 4+4. On the 10 I did 4+3+1+1)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
AGAIN!!! NEW Olympic Clean MAX!!! + Video
I felt so good and will start to work on my snatch max this up coming week. Jordan also has a great clean and I'm working on a video to post with music. More to come from Team Morchat + Team Kalaher!!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Heavy Fran...
Heavy Fran is Rx'd with 135lbs on the thruster and 45lb pull ups using a kettlebell strapped between your legs.
"Heavy Fran" - Rx'd
135lb Thrusters
45lb Pull Ups
Danny: 8:54
52lb Thrusters
Pull Ups
Jordan: 8:15
Last night was our off night and we had an OK meal at Square One in Downtown Bryan and walked around the shops at First Friday's.
Thursday - Sushi Night
Needless to say... we ate the squid and smiled, but will never do it again. I was looking around for Joe Rogan to tell me that I won $1000 on Fear Factor!
Jordan and I are both doing really well being dialed in on our diet and rest. I'm glad the weekend is coming so that I can sleep the rest days away!
Snatch work with 65lbs... looking for a fast hip extension and patient pull off the ground.
Med Ball Cleans
Kettle Bell Swings
Jordan (12/35lbs) =10:04
Danny (16/52lbs) = 7:18
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
New Squat Clean PR!
... Yesterday I rested and ate well. I've been drinking 4 cups of whole milk before bed each night and have been feeling really strong. I sleep better on a full stomach and sometimes drink goats milk! The last time I tried goats milk was with Dr. Drew and Jenny and Sam Cavin and didn't like it at all. Drew loved it!! But now it seems that I've gotten a taste for the stuff and can't do without it! Thanks Cavins!
Today, I did some light snatch technique work up to 95lbs and then heavy cleans. I tried for a max because my form looked great and I was feeling good.... 226lbs!!!! NEW CLEAN MAX!!!! ( I'll put up video soon)
Other than that things are going well and not drinking alcohol has really made a difference in my performance.
Lifting heavy weight= good // drinking beer every night=bad
Zone: 3,4,4,4 = 15blocks
Sleep: 6-7 hrs
Burgener warm up
Snatch work, foot placement, Hip extensions, stretching
Cleans... 3 reps up to 200lbs, then 1 rep until max!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Week Two - "The Hard Routine"
Paleo/Zone: 4-4-2-4-2 = 16 blocks
Sleep: 7 hrs
100 Overhead Squats for Time
Every 2 minutes perform 2 burpees and 7 Wall Ball
Danny= 6:33 (65lbs)
Jordan=8:42 (alternating 45lbs and pvc)