Well... here are the workouts we did!
Saturday WOD1:
Row 500m
10 Squat Clean & Jerk (155lbs men)
Row 500m
10 Squat Clean & Jerk
Row 500m
10 Squat Clean & Jerk
WOD 2:
50 Chest to Bar Pull ups
50 Burpees
Sunday WOD 3:
Nine of Spades / Hopper Deck
3 Rounds, 21, 15, and 9 reps of
Box Jumps (24 inches)
KB Swings (1.5 pood men/ 53lbs)
Sumodeadlift Highpull (95lbs men)
We all had a blast and kicked butt! (meggie, wes, dutch, danny, kerr, elisha, jordan)
Wes and I were in AMC together and he owns CrossFit Austin, it was so good to get to see him and workout together! Kerr trains in Austin with Wes and Elisha owns a box in Maimi, CrossFit Threshold. Jordan is the most wonderful wife on the planet! CrossFit has such a great community of people and I'm so glad to be apart of it!
Thanks to everyone!
Danny, I guarantee you had the best hair at that event, you dirty hippy. Down with the Crossfit buzz cut!! (for those fortunate enough to get away with it).
Good work on the WODS. Proud of you.
great work amigo! and you beat the thunderous wes bob!! i would like to remind you that i shared a double bed with that monster in paris for like a month. it wasn't nearly as awesome as sharing a two man tent with you for three months in oregon!!
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