We love you Matt and Lauren and Life!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
A weekend w/ Team Larsen + Life Larsen
We love you Matt and Lauren and Life!!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Going Heavy...!
Squat Cleans
Ring Dips
Jordan = 11:05
Danny = 15:41
I plan to take the rest of the week off to rest and sleep. We have Fight Gone Bad on Saturday and I hope to get up around 400 if not over! After that Jordan and I are driving up to Dallas to stay with Matt and Lauren and Life Larsen!! Can't Wait!!!
As far as training I have been feeling really sore after workouts and feel it has a lot to due with sleep right now. I plan to take all of next week off with only Judo on Tuesday and Thursday and then the Judo Comp on Saturday. I want to be fully rested for the Comp so that I can see where I am compared to the state in Judo! I will be competing in the novice division most likely 73kg group... this means all white, yellow, orange and green belts! Jordan will be away at her bachelorette party, but I hope to have some video of my matches up that day.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Long Weekend...
I got 103 pull ups with a 20lb weighted vest. This thing killed me on the sprints! Tonight we are full Paleo and feeling good> FGB this weekend and up to Dallas to hang with our friends Matt, Lauren and Life Larsen!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
"To Get One's Goat" or "My Goat" a short story by Danny Morchat
1.Horses of a highly-strung nature were often accompanied by a goat (or sheep). It was a way of calming a horse down, especially a thoroughbred horse before a race. The legend has it that rivals and crooks deliberately betting against that horse, would steal the goat, resulting in the horse being upset and less able to race. Such practices are uncommon these days.
2. There is an old French phrase "prendre la chevre" which also means approximately "to get your goat" or "to take away the goat". Various places suggest this is because in old times a person's goat would be their only source of milk, so they'd be understandable pissed if someone took it!. With that being said... I hate Overhead squats. They "get my goat"
This morning they made me feel like a French man who realized that he had to eat his cereal with water. I have realized that I have 4-5 "goats" in CrossFit
1. Overhead Squats
2. Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls
3. Handstand Push-Ups
4. "Linda" aka "Three Bars of Death"
5. Dead Lift
With that being said... Jonny Kalaher suggested that I warm-up with "my goat" before every workout. Thanks Jonny... I will and no one will steal my milk goat!!!
400m sprint
15 Overhead Squats
Danny = 17:02 w/ 98lbs (NEW PR!!)
Jordan = 19:08 w/ 52lbs
Judo: 1 1/2 hours
Zone/Paleo: Somewhere between 15-17 blocks
Monday, September 15, 2008
The New House
For the past month Jordan and I have been "nesting" at 305 and have finished... for now
The house is ready for the bride to come home! I painted the chairs blue and hung my flags. She put out lime tree in the yard and the living room is full of our favorite nick-nacks!!!
(Drew I painted the shelves yellow, to match our kitchen)
Speak'n of... The kitchen is ready for Zone/Paleo meals and the new espresso makers is hot and ready!
We have no TV, just my parents record player and each other! Oh ya, my roommate until Jordan moves in Brit Norvell. (Great Guy)
As far as CrossFit goes... last Tuesday I had a date with "Linda" (aka. "Three Bars of Death!)
1.5 body weight DeadLift = 244lbs
Body Weight Bench Press = 163 lbs
3/4 Body Weight Squat Clean = 135
This was the first CrossFit WOD that I could/did not finish... I really had to have some time to myself about this, but Linda will always humble even the mortals who get a big head with out Dutch or Johnny around. I only made it to the 6's
I did Fight Gone Bad on Thursday and got 302 points. Got a cold on Friday and took Saturday off.
Sunday WOD
400m sprint (3 total)
Time - Danny 8:48 / Jordan 10:02
Monday (today) "The Chief"
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
Danny = Heavy Chief - 155lb Power Cleans = 21 rounds
Jordan = 53lb Power Cleans = 23 rounds
It feels good to be back to a full Zone and moving toward a full Paleo diet. I have been eating small 2 block meals and this really helps me keep my insulin regulated all day. I have been loading my Post WOD meal with 3x the Carbs and cutting back on the Carbs all day... with this I have seen good results and I feel great. My fat blocks are up 9x to about 30-40 fat blocks a day!!!!
I have been trying to do all of my WOD's "Heavy" so that I can build my strenght. Judo was put on hold last week and I plan to hit it strong tomorrow night to continue getting ready for the comp in Oct!!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Jordan's Snatch + 3 other dudes who don't even compare
Jordan's Max Snatch = 62 lbs
Marshall's Max Snatch = 158lbs
Danny's Max Snatch = 148lbs
Dale Smith = Snatch Technique
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Zone People...Snatch Max... Judo
USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory
Just type in what you are/want to eat and it tells you everything you needed to know!!!!
Jordan, Marshall Lowy, Dale Smith and I maxed in the Snatch on Sunday afternoon. Dale told me his body was so sore!
Marshall = 158 lbs
Jordan = 62 lbs
Danny = 148 lbs
Dale = Snatch Technique with 65lbs
I plan to put up video of the Snatch Day! Jordan and Marshall really have good form!
Monday : Rest Day
Tuesday WOD:
400m sprint
7 rounds w/ 30lb DB's in each hand
5 DB Deadlifts
5 DB Squat Cleans
5 DB Thrusters
400m sprint
Time- 10:07 ( I need to do more sprinting!)
JUDO: Getting ready for the comp's coming up in October and November! I will be competing in my first two Judo Tournaments (College Station Oct. 4th/ Houston Nov. 1st) and will be using the next month and 1/2 to train hard for them!!! More ground work and throws!!!