Friday, August 29, 2008

Google... have you lost something?

For now my computer time is limited because I haven't set up DSL at the new house yet, but Jordan's house has great Internet... and every now and then I Google myself. No reason other than making sure there are no other Danny Morchats out there being un-cool! This go round I found this....

Recycled grub
Danny Morchat spoons seeds from a honeydew melon into a recycle bucket at the Fruit Bowl food booth at the Douglas County Fair Thursday.

Yes... they have found me... once upon a time (I always remember this) Taylor Tehan and I drove to the land of peace and love and hippies. Yes, to Oregon! We lived with our family/friends Mike and Lisa Buck for 3 months. We slept in a two man tent and made 8 huge raised bed gardens for Mike's business. (Organic Plants and Vegetables) We laughed and drove up and down the Oregon and Washington coast and even into Canada! (free health care) Built a bridge out of a huge tree and worked in the "Inner Space Family Fruit Bowl" food booth at the Douglas County Fair. This is where they took this picture... they is the local newspaper. (Full Article Here) It was a time of life changing conversation with God and family and my best man Taylor Tehan! I grew a huge beard and had really long blonde hair! I will always remember those days and if you want to see more pictures come by the house because I can't put them on the Internet!

SO... thank you for finding me and reminding me that if I ever lose something... I can always search for it on Google!

WOD: Snatch Max - 148 lbs !! 20 away from bodyweight!!!
5 pull ups
10 burpees
15 jumping jacks
For 10 min finish each round in 1 min if you can't, stop at the min and start over. Count your rounds finished.
= 6 rounds

Zone: 10 blocks + La Bodega = ?

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