Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Intellectual Devotional

Most days I wake up and ride to CrossFit ATM for a morning workout, then back home for breakfast and then I'm off to work. I usally get to Oakwood by 7:40 am or like today 7:55 am (I'm offically late at 8:01 am) Why do I tell you this... because when I get to school I
sit at my desk - turn on Pandora radio - make a cup of PG Tips Tea - move to the couch - then I read in a book that I somehow got from Stephen Dyer called, "The Intellectual Devotional". The book is set up just like any Christian daily devotional, except it is filled with other stuff. One morning you may read a page about Chemical Bonds and the next about Spain in the New World and then about Hasidism. Pretty much each page is filled with 4-5 paragraphs of information on a certain topic. The book claims to, "Revive you mind, complete your education, and roam confidently with the cultured class." I highly recommend getting a copy of this book (HERE)! Each day I read a page to my G/T Robotics Class and they have loved it. One way to keep your mind tick'n is to read. You can read classics or the bible or the online news, but one thing is true... if you don't stimulate your mind... you will loose it!!!

Zone: 15 blocks

Snatch One Rep Build (65 x 3,85, 105, 125 x 2, 135 x 2)

3 Rounds
400m run
Power Clean (135lbs /52lbs)

Time -Danny - 11:06
Jordan - 11:40

PS. - Jenny Cavin started CrossFit Today!!! Good Luck Lady... beat Drew!!!


Lacy said...

omg, i cant believe i hit the "next blog" button and it brought me to yours!!!! HOW have you been?!?!?!!!
congrats on the engagement, btw!
(lacy frazier-paul)

Samuel Adams said...

Highly recommended as a bathroom reader. I loved every second of it when it was in the Richards Street Porcelain Library.