Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back in the swing of things...

So... the day I post about blogging so much and how I have reached a certain level of posts I loose the Internet (Thank you Al Gore!!) and loose all connection to the world. For the past three weeks or so I have been busy getting ready for school to start and moving into our new house and traveling and the like...

Well... I'm back! "Fights will go on as long as they have to" is back up and running at full force and so am I. Jordan and I haven't stopped CrossFit and eating right we have just been so dog gone busy! My first day with kids at Oakwood Intermediate was yesterday and man was it a day. I would like to quote my friend Kyle Dillard, "Teachers are the only people that work. Everyone else just stares at their computer all day and drinks coffee!" Kyle is new to teaching and his first day was last Thursday! Welcome to the tribe Kyle!!

Jordan and I have been relearning "The Snatch" for the past two weeks. What does that mean you ask?... That means waking up everyday at 5:30 am to listen to Marshall Lowy tell us that we ain't doing it right! The Snatch is an Olympic lift and is probably the most technical lift at the Olympics! We have been in an eating slump, but we started back full Zone yesterday and have already felt a difference.

Zone: 16 blocks on Monday - 15 blocks on Tuesday

Monday WOD: "Isabelle"
30 Snatches for time (88lbs)
Time - 8:00 min

Tuesday WOD: Heavy Clean & Jerk (194 lbs)
about 10 reps
5 Rounds for time
7 pull ups
7 thrusters
7 dips
7 burpees
Time - 9:06 (42lbs) Jordan
9:16 (88lbs) - Danny
Yes... Jordan beat me this morning and I so glad she did! Way to go Jo!

Judo: 1.5 hrs of throws, standing grip fights, etc....

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