Monday, April 20, 2009

Olympic Weightlifting Seminar with Catalyst Athletics

I spent the weekend in Dallas (Dallas Central CrossFit) with Marshall Lowy at the Olympic Weightlifting Seminar put on by Greg Everett, Aimee Anaya and Catalyst Athletics. We had a blast!!!! We spent two days learning complete progressions for the Snatch and Clean & Jerk. 10:00am to 5:30 pm of Snatch (Saturday) and 10:00am to 4:00pm of the Clean & Jerk (Sunday) We both feel very comfortable teaching the Olympic lifts and really improved our own lifts. Here is some video of Marshall and I at 225lbs on the Clean & Jerk.

We also spent the weekend with George and Betsy and Baby River. It was great! Thank you so much for opening up your home and hearts to us!

1 comment:

Dr. Drew said...

that 225 c&j looked effortless! good work.