I have three days until the Southwest Regional CrossFit Games and was suppost to be resting and eating great and sleeping, but life doesn't care about the games, so.... because of drainage problems in our backyard I spend all day Saturday/ Sunday/ Monday (monday was only 4am-7am, 4pm-7pm) digging ditches for three French drains before the rain started yesterday afternoon. I didn't get all of it done so yesterday after work I dug more in the rain and had to get under our 1947 house and repair two beams! This sucks and you have to prepare mentally to go under your house in the dark with mud and water everywhere. When I was done I looked like Encino Man!
But, I had a great meal and Jordan is the best wife in the world! I love her!
Three days until I see how I match up ? Three days until I find out what the WOD's will be? Three days until I can stop worring about this regional games and have fun!